
Sciatica Relief

Understanding the Roots of Sciatic Pain


Are you experiencing sharp, burning pain along one side of your hips, buttocks, and legs? You could have sciatica, a condition affecting the sciatic nerve. Fortunately, the physical therapists at TOP Physical Therapy can help you identify the source of your sciatic pain and find a treatment option that works.

Sciatica is a common but often debilitating condition that affects approximately 40% of people at some point in their lives. It refers to pain, numbness, or tingling that radiates down the back of the leg. Discomfort from sciatica can range from mild to severe and, in some cases, may be accompanied by weakness or difficulty moving the affected leg.

Depending on the severity of your sciatica, it can profoundly affect your day-to-day life, preventing you from participating fully in leisure activities and sports, household chores, or work duties.

Sciatica is often misunderstood. People frequently use the term “sciatica” to refer to any pain in the lower limbs, but it specifically refers to pain brought on by issues with the sciatic nerve. Originating in the lower back, the sciatic nerve extends down the legs to the feet, and its affliction typically manifests as pain on one side or leg.

For this reason, an accurate diagnosis is crucial to effective sciatica treatment. Our expert physical therapists will use a combination of patient history, physical assessments, and imaging studies to identify the underlying cause of sciatic pain.

At TOP Physical Therapy, we use a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to physical therapy to address the root cause of sciatica and alleviate its symptoms, fostering lasting relief and restoring function. Our results-oriented treatment approach will help you overcome pain, regain mobility, and reclaim control of your health and fitness.

Request an appointment today, and let us help you discover long-term relief from your sciatica!

What are the Common Causes of Sciatica?

Sciatica is not a medical issue in and of itself but a potential symptom of several different conditions, including herniated discs, bone spurs from degenerative changes, or injury. When these conditions irritate or trigger inflammation in the sciatic nerve, it leads to sciatica.

The physical therapists at TOP Physical Therapy will help you identify which condition is causing your sciatica, then provide treatment to address it while also helping you manage your pain. We want you to see results, which means addressing your pain at the source.

Here are some common conditions that can trigger sciatica or sciatica-like pain:

  • Lumbar Herniated Disc: The most common cause of sciatica, a herniated disc, occurs when the soft, cushioning material between the vertebrae ruptures or bulges, compressing the nearby sciatic nerve.
  • Piriformis Syndrome: The piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttock region, can become tight or spasm, irritating the sciatic nerve.
  • Spondylolisthesis: This condition occurs when a vertebra in the lower spine slips forward, potentially compressing the sciatic nerve. Although rare, if the slippage progresses past a certain level, surgery is required to stabilize and prevent a worsening of the condition.
  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: Irritation or inflammation of the sacroiliac joint, where the spine meets the pelvis, can lead to sciatic-like pain.
  • Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: This condition occurs when the spinal canal narrows, which can compress the nerves there, including the sciatic nerve. However, spinal stenosis usually affects both legs, whereas sciatica typically only affects one.

While most people recover from sciatica, multiple episodes are not uncommon–and, unfortunately, the pain tends to worsen each time you experience another episode. That’s why the results-oriented approach at TOP Physical Therapy is an effective treatment option. By addressing the source of your pain, we can prevent future flare-ups.

We’re committed to providing you with research-backed tools to alleviate your pain and prevent future recurrences so you can get back to a healthy, active lifestyle free from pain.

How Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Can Help Resolve Sciatica

When you come in for treatment, our Sterling Heights, Southfield or Mt Pleasant, MI team of physical therapists will conduct a thorough physical examination to assess your range of motion, identify weaknesses, pinpoint the location and nature of your pain, and evaluate your symptoms and limitations. From there, we’ll be able to determine what condition is causing your sciatica so we can treat it accordingly.

We pull from several different evidence-based treatment approaches to address your current pain and its cause. Your treatment will be customized based on the condition causing your sciatic pain and any other needs you might have.

  • If a herniated disc is causing your sciatica, we’ll use a combination of manual therapy, stretching, strengthening, mobility work, posture, and body mechanic modifications to alleviate pressure, relieve pain, and restore normal function.
  • If spondylolisthesis is causing your sciatica, we’ll design a customized exercise program to stabilize the spine, improve core strength, and emphasize the steps needed to reduce pain and restore function.
  • If piriformis syndrome is causing your sciatica, we’ll focus on targeted mobility work and strengthening exercises to relax the piriformis muscle, helping to reduce pain.
  • If you’re struggling with sacroiliac joint dysfunction, we’ll address this dysfunction through manual therapy, tailored exercises, and postural adjustments to relieve pain and improve joint mobility.
  • If you’re struggling with spinal stenosis, we’ll utilize mobility exercises, strength training, and coordination exercises to reduce symptoms and improve overall function.

No matter the source of your sciatica or sciatica-like pain, TOP Physical Therapy in Sterling Heights, Southfield and Mt Pleasant will work closely with you to find the right combination of treatment approaches to relieve your pain and restore full function. In addition to education and in-clinic sessions, we’ll prescribe at-home exercises so you can see results faster.

You’ll be on your way to a pain-free, active lifestyle with our proven treatment approaches and customized care! Call (586) 883-9720 or (248) 801-9355 today to get started.


A Hands-On Approach to Your Well-being

At TOP Physical Therapy, our therapists hold a prestigious post-graduate certification in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy. This certification represents a dedication to excellence, requiring an additional two years of intensive study beyond regular therapy degrees (PT, MPT, DPT). During this period, therapists accumulate an extra 200 hours of extensive clinical training, ensuring they are at the forefront of manual therapy.

We believe in the power of individualized therapy to address your unique needs. By choosing an OMPT-certified therapist at TOP Physical Therapy, you’re not only opting for a highly skilled professional but someone dedicated to your best possible outcome. It’s more than a certification; it’s a commitment to your health and a promise to guide you on the path to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Discover the difference of OMPT-certified therapy at TOP Physical Therapy. Your journey to optimal health begins here.