
Vestibular Therapy

Discover Lasting Relief for Your Vertigo Symptoms at TOP Physical Therapy

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At TOP Physical Therapy, our expert team of physical therapists is dedicated to helping you find effective relief for your vertigo symptoms using evidence-based techniques. Guided by cutting-edge research and years of practical experience, we’re committed to restoring balance and improving your quality of life.

The vestibular system, located within the inner ear, is an essential for maintaining balance and orientation in our environment. It works with the eyes and our nervous systems to coordinate head and eye movements, ensuring that we remain steady and focused even during rapid or unexpected changes in position.

Our physical therapists commonly treat vestibular disorders and other balance-related issues. These conditions can lead to dizziness, unsteadiness, blurred vision, and even falls, significantly impacting daily activities and overall well-being.

A staggering number of individuals experience vestibular dysfunction. According to the Vestibular Disorders Association, approximately 69 million Americans aged 40 years and older have experienced some form of vestibular disorder in their lifetime. These symptoms can be debilitating, affecting not only physical capabilities but also emotional and mental health.

At TOP Physical Therapy, we utilize research-backed, individualized treatment plans to address your specific vestibular challenges. Our physical therapists in Sterling Heights, Southfield and Mt Pleasant are skilled in specialized techniques designed to reduce or eliminate vertigo symptoms and restore balance and confidence.

Don’t let vertigo control your life any longer. Call (586) 883-9720 or (248) 801-9355 today to schedule a consultation with our experienced team at TOP Physical Therapy!

What’s Causing My Dizziness?

Exploring Vestibular System Dysfunction

Are you experiencing dizziness, imbalance, or vertigo and wondering what’s causing these uncomfortable sensations? Understanding the root cause of your symptoms and seeking appropriate treatment is crucial. As a leading authority in vestibular rehabilitation, TOP Physical Therapy is here to help you navigate the problems with the vestibular system and restore your sense of balance.

The vestibular system, a vital inner ear component, maintains our balance and orientation in our environment. It does so by relaying information about our body’s position and movements to the brain. When this system malfunctions, it can lead to conditions that affect our sense of balance and overall quality of life.

The most common vestibular disorders include:

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): This condition occurs when calcium crystals in the inner ear become dislodged and interfere with the normal functioning of the vestibular system. BPPV is characterized by sudden bouts of dizziness triggered by specific head movements.
  • Labyrinthitis: Labyrinthitis is caused by inflammation of the inner ear’s labyrinth due to viral or bacterial infections. Symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus.
  • Vestibular Neuritis: Similar to labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis involves inflammation of the vestibular nerve. Viral infections result in sudden, severe vertigo and imbalances.
  • Meniere’s Disease: A chronic disorder of the inner ear, Meniere’s disease causes episodes of vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and hearing loss. The exact cause of this condition remains unknown.

Physical therapists treat vestibular system dysfunction resulting from injury, disease, or other issues such as aging or exposure to certain medications. Common limitations faced by patients with vestibular disorders include reduced balance, difficulty coordinating movements, and increased risk of falls.

At TOP Physical Therapy, our experts are skilled in addressing these challenges. Our customized vestibular rehabilitation programs focus on improving balance, reducing dizziness, and enhancing the body’s ability to compensate for vestibular deficits. This evidence-based approach helps patients regain confidence and improve their overall quality of life.

Book a consultation today with our expert team and discover how we can help you reclaim your stability and peace of mind!

Discover the Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation at TOP Physical Therapy can transform your life by enhancing your stability, reducing symptoms, and restoring your confidence. Our expert physical therapists will use an evidence-based approach to help you overcome vestibular dysfunction and regain control of your life.

We will start with a comprehensive evaluation to determine the root cause of your symptoms. They will take a thorough medical history to identify underlying conditions or contributing factors.

Next, our team will perform specialized tests designed specifically for the vestibular system, such as the Dix-Hallpike maneuver and the head impulse test, to pinpoint the exact nature of your vestibular dysfunction and use this information to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Vestibular rehabilitation consists of various techniques and exercises, including:

  • Canalith repositioning maneuvers: These techniques help reposition the displaced calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear for patients with BPPV, alleviating vertigo symptoms.
  • Habituation exercises: These activities help reduce dizziness and vertigo symptoms by encouraging your brain to adapt to specific movements or positions that trigger your symptoms.
  • Gaze stabilization exercises: These exercises train your eyes to focus on a stationary object while your head moves, improving vision and balance.
  • Balance and gait training: Our physical therapists will guide you through activities to enhance your stability, coordination, and overall function during daily tasks.

Our physical therapists will work closely with you to establish achievable, results-oriented goals and monitor your progress throughout your treatment journey. They will also provide a personalized home exercise program, empowering you to take an active role in your recovery and maintain long-term success.

Call (586) 883-9720 or (248) 801-9355 today to embrace a more balanced future!


A Hands-On Approach to Your Well-being

At TOP Physical Therapy, our therapists hold a prestigious post-graduate certification in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy. This certification represents a dedication to excellence, requiring an additional two years of intensive study beyond regular therapy degrees (PT, MPT, DPT). During this period, therapists accumulate an extra 200 hours of extensive clinical training, ensuring they are at the forefront of manual therapy.

We believe in the power of individualized therapy to address your unique needs. By choosing an OMPT-certified therapist at TOP Physical Therapy, you’re not only opting for a highly skilled professional but someone dedicated to your best possible outcome. It’s more than a certification; it’s a commitment to your health and a promise to guide you on the path to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Discover the difference of OMPT-certified therapy at TOP Physical Therapy. Your journey to optimal health begins here.