
TMJ Dysfunction

Resolve Your TMJ Pain with Physical Therapy


Are you struggling with the discomfort of TMJ pain and seeking relief? Our expert team at TOP Physical Therapy specializes in treating various TMJ-related injuries and conditions. Our evidence-based approach, backed by the latest peer-reviewed research, is designed to provide personalized care and support in overcoming TMJ pain.

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, is the hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, situated in front of each ear. This joint allows for the essential movements of your jaw, such as talking, chewing, and yawning.

It is estimated that over 10 million Americans are affected by TMJ disorders, with women being more susceptible than men. Physical therapists at TOP Physical Therapy play a vital role in managing TMJ pain, offering non-invasive and drug-free interventions to improve jaw function, decrease inflammation, and restore your quality of life.

TMJ pain can manifest in various ways, including temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), myofascial pain, internal derangement, or degenerative joint disease, each requiring specialized physical therapy interventions.

Our team of physical therapists is well-equipped to diagnose and treat these underlying issues, using proven techniques to alleviate pain and prevent future episodes. Don’t let TMJ pain hold you back from enjoying your daily activities.

Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive evaluation and embark on your journey to a pain-free life. Your jaw will thank you!

Discover the Root of Your TMJ Pain

Do you suffer from persistent jaw discomfort, headaches, or difficulty opening and closing your mouth? These are common symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) pain, a prevalent condition affecting millions worldwide. At TOP Physical Therapy, we strive to help you understand the common causes of TMJ pain and guide you toward effective relief and improved quality of life.

The most frequent conditions leading to TMJ pain are:

  • Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD): TMD is primarily caused by muscle imbalances, jaw joint misalignments, or damaged cartilage due to trauma or degenerative changes. TMD patients often experience pain, stiffness, clicking sounds, and restricted jaw movement.
  • Bruxism: Habitual teeth grinding or clenching, often occurring during sleep, can result in excessive wear on the teeth and TMJ, leading to pain and joint inflammation.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation and degeneration of the TMJ, resulting in chronic pain and impaired jaw function.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Psychological factors, such as stress and anxiety, can lead to increased muscle tension and involuntary jaw clenching, exacerbating TMJ pain.
  • Poor Posture: Sitting or standing improperly, especially for extended periods, can strain the neck and jaw muscles, contributing to TMJ pain.

The limitations and issues associated with these conditions include difficulty eating, speaking, sleeping, headaches, earaches, and neck pain. These symptoms can significantly impact daily life, work performance, and social interactions.

Fortunately, TOP Physical Therapy in Sterling Heights, Southfield and Mt Pleasant is here to help you overcome these challenges. Our highly trained therapists will help you alleviate TMJ pain and restore optimal jaw function. We also provide personalized education on stress management and self-care strategies, empowering you to maintain long-lasting relief and prevent future issues.

Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive evaluation!

Experience Lasting Relief with Physical Therapy for TMJ

Our TOP Physical Therapy team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to understand each patient’s unique experience with TMJ dysfunction thoroughly. We’ll start by reviewing your medical history during your comprehensive evaluation to understand potential contributing factors and previous treatments. They will then conduct a hands-on assessment of the TMJ, muscles, and surrounding structures to identify signs of dysfunction.

Next, we’ll perform range of motion and strength testing to evaluate your current jaw function and pinpoint areas for improvement. Finally, they will utilize specialized testing for TMJ function to ensure an accurate diagnosis and develop a targeted treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Our physical therapists rely on evidence-based practices to create personalized treatment plans that address the root causes of your TMJ pain. These treatments will include the following:

  • Manual therapy: We’ll use skilled hands-on techniques to improve joint mobility and relieve muscle tension in the jaw and neck.
  • Therapeutic exercises: Customized exercises designed to strengthen and stabilize the muscles around the TMJ, enhancing function and reducing pain.
  • Posture education: Guidance on proper head and neck alignment to reduce strain on the TMJ and surrounding structures.
  • Relaxation techniques: Training in deep breathing and stress management to help alleviate muscle tension and reduce TMJ pain.
  • Home exercise program: Personalized exercise routines and self-care strategies to empower you to manage your TMJ symptoms effectively at home.

As you progress through your individualized physical therapy treatment plan, our physical therapists will regularly assess your progress and set results-oriented goals. This goal-setting approach ensures your rehabilitation journey is both measurable and rewarding.

Take the first step towards lasting relief and improved function. Schedule your comprehensive evaluation with our expert physical therapists today!


A Hands-On Approach to Your Well-being

At TOP Physical Therapy, our therapists hold a prestigious post-graduate certification in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy. This certification represents a dedication to excellence, requiring an additional two years of intensive study beyond regular therapy degrees (PT, MPT, DPT). During this period, therapists accumulate an extra 200 hours of extensive clinical training, ensuring they are at the forefront of manual therapy.

We believe in the power of individualized therapy to address your unique needs. By choosing an OMPT-certified therapist at TOP Physical Therapy, you’re not only opting for a highly skilled professional but someone dedicated to your best possible outcome. It’s more than a certification; it’s a commitment to your health and a promise to guide you on the path to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Discover the difference of OMPT-certified therapy at TOP Physical Therapy. Your journey to optimal health begins here.