

Traction is a form of decompression therapy that we are happy to offer at our Sterling Heights, Southfield and Mt Pleasant, MI physical therapy practice. It relieves pressure on the spine and alleviates pain from joints, sprains, and spasms. It can also treat herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves, and many other back conditions. Traction is performed by skilled physical therapists and/or the use of mechanical units. If your back is bothering you, request an appointment at TOP Physical Therapy today to find out if traction could benefit you!

Lower back pain (LBP) is the most commonly reported form of pain. It is a major cause of medical expenses, work absenteeism, and disability. With traction, you can find some much-needed relief and get back to comfortably living your daily life.

What Are The Types Of Traction?

Mechanical Traction

The specialized treatment technique of mechanical traction uses devices that work by stretching the spinal vertebrae and muscles.

Manual Traction

With manual traction, our physical therapists use their hands to stretch the spinal vertebrae and muscles.


How Does Traction Work?

Traction relieves pressure on the spine and alleviates pain. Cervical traction and lumbar traction are similar, but they have a couple of key differences: with cervical traction, a gentle force is used to stretch or pull the head away from the neck. With lumbar traction, a gentle force is used to gently gap the pelvis from the lower back. Both of these methods are useful in manipulating the spine and providing relief.

Contact TOP Physical Therapy For Traction Today!

If your back has been bothering you, don’t hesitate to request an appointment TOP Physical Therapy today. One of our highly trained Sterling Heights, Southfield or Mt Pleasant, MI physical therapists will design a personalized treatment plan for your specific needs. Don’t live with LBP – manual traction can help get you moving.


A Hands-On Approach to Your Well-being

At TOP Physical Therapy, our therapists hold a prestigious post-graduate certification in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy. This certification represents a dedication to excellence, requiring an additional two years of intensive study beyond regular therapy degrees (PT, MPT, DPT). During this period, therapists accumulate an extra 200 hours of extensive clinical training, ensuring they are at the forefront of manual therapy.

We believe in the power of individualized therapy to address your unique needs. By choosing an OMPT-certified therapist at TOP Physical Therapy, you’re not only opting for a highly skilled professional but someone dedicated to your best possible outcome. It’s more than a certification; it’s a commitment to your health and a promise to guide you on the path to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Discover the difference of OMPT-certified therapy at TOP Physical Therapy. Your journey to optimal health begins here.